Poisoning the Well; How Shameless Can They Be?

“When people attempt to rebel against the iron logic of Nature, they come into conflict with the very same principles to which they owe their existence as human beings. Their actions against Nature must lead to their downfall.”

Adolf Hitler

Fortified by Herman Göring’s unwavering loyalty towards the promotion of Animal Welfare, Adolf Hitler’s vision of a pristine Earth restored to Her Natural Beauty and Order set the groundworks for what is now known as Deep Ecology and Eco-Fascism. One can derive this passion for Environmental responsibility out of the sense of Nationalistic Pride—when you respect Who You Are, you care about the conditions in which you exist, because you will tolerate nothing less than what allows you to perform at your Best in every facet of your Life. (((They))) do not want us to be recognized for our individual Bests, and they certainly do not want us to remotely know the incredible feats we are capable of, as it would give us the Power needed to reclaim this Earth as Ours and to restore Natural Order.

(((They))) are the living embodiments of all that is contradictory to preserving well-being and to maintaining Harmony and Balance—both externally and internally. Being very well-aware of the fact that how we feel inside will in turn directly affect the way we treat our environment, (((they))) strive to rob us of our sense of self-Worth, Individuality, self-Respect, identity, and of our connection to the Galaxial Source as reflections of Divine Perfection. Therefore, the state of the Environment is a mirror image of the collective feelings (((they))) have insidiously cultivated in us through 3 millennia of antagonism, finger-pointing, deceit, degeneracy, and lies.  (((They))) are content living in filth and squalor, *choosing* to reside in crowded city centers… *choosing* to remain in concrete jungles (do not be fooled—(((they))) were NOT forced to live in ghettoes; (((they))) lived in ghettoes as a preference ever since (((they))) made it through whatever portal from “hell” (((they))) originated from), with no regard whatsoever for the environment and an utter repulsion for Nature.

(((Their))) goal, that our Beloved Führer was privy to, was always to separate us Goys from Nature, knowing very well that we cannot survive for long without compromising our sense of Self and our Connection to the Divine Source while separate from that in which we were designed to live in. As Homo sapiens, our Natural Habitat is being surrounded by the regenerative energy and ancient whisperings of Nature.

We are forest dwellers, desert dwellers, steppes dwellers, and mountain dwellers. Unlike (((them))), we require this bond with Nature and Wildlife to remain Spiritually intact, and therefore to function at peak performance mentally and physically. Disease begins to manifest when we are placed in situations that stress our senses, such as being thrown into environments that are unNatural for us… when we routinely have to confront this toxic, deprave, corrupt, imPure, unNatural environment that they have fabricated for us… which our 3rd Eyes had no choice other than to give up the struggle and close tightly shut, not just out of neglect, but also because it no longer wanted to See the conditions set by (((them)))… almost as though our 3rd Eyes are in an induced coma as a self-defense mechanism against the exhaustingly depressing existence that has become the Collective Reality.

Adolf Hitler knew that (((they))) seek to upset the balance of Nature. We see this now in deforestation, factory farms, GMOs/Genetic Manipulation, the Agricultural-Chemical (AgriChem) Industry, Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD, referring to Bees), over-Development, over-Consumption, Urban Sprawl, reliance on technology, Electromagnetic Interference, Geo-engineering/Weather Manipulation, Chem-Trails (whatever they are), Polluted Water,  Poor Air Quality reports… et cetera, et cetera. And it’s completely interactive and reciprocal with how we are conditioned to feel inside—the subliminal feeling at the base of the majority of our society is that of depression, self-loathing, victimization, self-sabotage, Spiritual starvation, unaccountability, disease (e.g. the Cancer Epidemic, autism, Alzheimers, and infertility), and self-hate.

Health, Family Values, and Charity have been replaced by Indulgence, material lust and greed, and selfishness regarding time, service to others, and wealth. We choose to silence any intrinsic cries to nourish a sense of Purpose by robotically partaking in unfulfilling and/or mind-numbing activities *instead of* choosing to embolden an innate sense of Purpose by immersing our Spirits in experiences that will shape our Talents and skills, so to be of better service to others and more attentive to the Call of Awakening. Our imbalances, as a result of being separate from Nature and subconsciously trapped in (((their))) Reality, has made us feel like we have no other choice than to abide and invest our minutes towards a wealth in terms of (((money))) and sacrificing our integrity towards conforming to an impure social construct… when instead we need to be investing our minutes towards acquiring wealth in terms of Knowledge and Compassion and Treasured Moments with Loved Ones, and strengthening our bond with Integrity by whole-Heartedly rejecting what (((they))) have duped us into accepting as “normal.”

When we’re in Nature and when we look into the eyes of Animals, it helps us to remember who we are and why we’re here—to be Happy in *THIS* Moment, for ourselves and for others… and to maintain the Divine Spark we inherited from Beyond, that of the one that ignites our intrinsic desire to act as stewards of the Earth and all Her residents (of all species)… to show our appreciation and gratitude for all She provides us with by PROTECTING Her from being pillaged and raped by (((invaders))) who wish to strip her of her splendor and maim her without remorse… for (((they))) neither See nor Appreciate Natural Beauty… for (((they))) wish to poison our Beautiful Earth the same way (((they))) have poisoned the majority of Souls with an acidic affliction known as degeneracy—which disintegrates on contact the bond between us and God.

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