Absolute Aryanism for All

Aryanism , Race , Purity , Pure , Gobineau , Gobineauism , Gobinism , Hitler , Alfred Rosenberg , Third Reich , Absolute Aryanism for All , Self-preservation , Rothschild , (((them))) , Erev Rav
Swastika pattern. Baalbek Temple, Lebanon [Source]

That races should be left pure did not originate from Hitler, or any of the Third Reich fathers, including Dr. Alfred Rosenberg. Technically speaking, it originates in the intrinsic nature of each and every living being on the face of the Earth…this idea of self-preservation and preservation of ethnicity and culture. However, we will focus on the progenitor of the idea, from the mind of whom it made its debut into the leading literature at the time and into the discussion circles of some of the world’s foremost intellectuals: Arthur de Gobineau. While many of Gobineau’s later theories do come across as blatantly racist, his idea of races and ethnicities being tainted through interbreeding hold incredible value in their truth, as is evidenced by the decay of culture that we are living through today, most especially since the aftermath of the Fall of the Reich, and the liberal culture that was born out of the Marxist virus which was left unchecked.

However, unlike Gobineau, and is often associated with racism. It was also one of the founding principles within the nationalist movements known as Gobineauism, occurring in the mid-to-late 1800s in France and Germany most notably, which sought to foment hate in order to establish a caste-like system, similar to that of the Hindus where no upward social movement could be accomplished regardless of effort, and regardless of one’s potential to benefit society with invaluable contributions. However, “Miscegenation” really is nothing more than a concise word for “race mixing.” While often ascribed to prominent themes of White supremacy, it can be used to describe any race that is diluted. Miscegenation has a negative connotation, and rightly so, for all races, as it is detrimental to the purity and the unique traits of races. One can even go so far as to say that miscegenation is the cause for the degeneracy we see today, in that a people without a pure racial identity cannot identify with the country they are in. Consequently, a person whose blood has been mixed to the point of not being able to pinpoint an identity, sees only the void and turmoil stemming from a lack of identity…from not knowing who they are…rather than seeing a Beauty to be protected, preserved, and reproduced.

The creation of Beauty is less complicated than most would believe. Beauty is merely the outward projection unto the world of the all-encompassing Beauty we contain within. Simplified, we project outward whatever Beauty and balance we feel within ourselves. Therefore, when a person is the result of miscegenation, there is inner-conflict and confusion about who they truly are, stemming from the muddied, “polluted” (for a lack of better terms) blood flowing through them. It is due to this racial defilement that we see such degeneracy in society, starting foremost with matters of elegance, such as Art and Music, as the creative process is contaminated by this fermented inner-chaos of a racially mixed person, and manifests as a diseased and deformed creation, which we are conditioned to accept as a redefinition of “beauty” due to its differences.

Hitler himself could never deny that he used the word “Aryan” freely. But in his mind, the word “Aryan” was married to an image of something else—something purely ethical and organic; one that espouses aesthetics with matters of an all-inclusive fitness of body, mind, and spirit. He believed with every fiber of his being that a living being free of impurities—an Aryan—would manifest a world free of impurities, and the cycle would cooperate and thenceforth become a self-generating system of peace that echoed in harmony from all of Earth’s four corners…not just a peace that could be seen, but an ambience of peace that could be felt in the atmosphere…one that would starve the deranged Erev Rav of their bloodthirstiness, eventually resulting in (((their))) exodus from this Realm.

Unfortunately, the true essence behind this beautiful word has been completely replaced and distorted into a racist ideology. From the mainstream non-thinkers to neo-nazis and white supremacists alike, the word “Aryan” has been abused. When one sees or hears this word, it immediately conjures up an image of a blond-haired, blue-eyed, Nordic “super-race,” the ubermensch that was supposedly the goal of the Third Reich to be achieved through the medical “experiments” of Dr. Josef Mengele and through unusual breeding programs, as installed and regulated by appointed “Nazi” eugenicists. While my family does claim that truth can be vouched regarding the breeding programs, which mostly served as a way to re-wire the human’s natural instincts to breed with a fit partner and to delete all Marxist agenda programming that embedded the abominable biological contradiction that we should be ashamed of ourselves for not being accepting of each other’s differences to the ridiculous point of even finding natural repulsions attractive and natural attractions repulsive, the medical experiments are completely staged and were invented by the (((BBC))) and funded by well-known Erev Rav such as (((Hollywood))) and the (((Rothschild’s)).

Aryan is a term used flexibly to include the best stock from all ethnicities and races. It is a word that became wildly misappropriated to denote a racist ideology. If one abandoned all indoctrinations about the “Evil Nazis,” and actually ventured into the unknown to boldly cross-reference and assess History for himself, one would find himself in a situation of epic befuddlement and confusion. Completely stupefied while stumbling over the mountains of myths that have been perpetuated by the same Marxist agenda the “Nazis” sought so fervently to bury back underground into the bowels of existence—call it Hell, Hades, a different dimension—therein lies a bottomless egregore that the Erev Rav feed off– it not of this Realm, that can only be annihilated by invigorating our sense of identity and the way we see ourselves in this world.

In other words, World Peace will only be achieved through the fortification of the purity of blood and spirit. It can only be found by removing the disdain that (((they))) have spread for Aryanism. (((They))) have successfully labeled a sociopath anyone who embraces the Pureness and Beauty that is found by maintaining the purity of race, culture, and ethnicity that projects the stable equilibrium of physiological and spiritual processes found within unto the outside world…an internal and external homeostasis that would emaciate (((their))) agenda. It can be certain that (((their)) abhorrence towards Aryanism only reveals the power that lies within to change the World…for the better, of course.

(((Their))) power in this world feeds off our suffering, which is an unnecessary condition caused completely by the inner-turmoil and inner-conflict from the muted self-identify that goes hand-in-hand with mongrelizing our DNA and polluting our Souls through the acceptance and even appreciation of degeneracy. This suffering could be stopped and the damage it caused could be reversed if we start now by starving (((them))) out of existence.

And the only way to achieve this is making Aryanism the goal…for every race.

Everyone should be aware by now, that The Swastika symbol has been in use for well over 12,000 years.

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