Doping History: How (((they))) Now Feed Off Our “Nazi” Addiction

History , Pervitin , Doping History , Nazi , Addiction , National Socialism , Hitler , Fuhrer , Black Sun , Occult , WWII , Drugs , Eva Braun , Blondi , Steroids , High , Crystal Meth , Pill , Pain , Opiates

“If Blitzed has taught me one thing, it is that going from novels to writing history is not a painless process, but it is certainly an eye-opening one. My next book, by the way, will be a novel.”

Norman Ohler, The Guardian interview (5/2/2017)

The above is an extract from an interview The Guardian did with self-professed non-historian, Norman Ohler, in which he promoted ad nauseum, his 2016 book, “Blitzed: Drugs in Nazi Germany.” While celebrated as some by a rebellious act of literature that supposedly proves that the Nazis were just a pack of raging meth and coke addicts, it has been torn apart by actual historians, such as Regius Professor of History, Dr. Richard Evans of one of the world’s most prestigious universities, Cambridge in England. The book was so quick to be instantaneously promoted and accepted as FACT, translated into twenty-five languages and even making the NY Times Bestseller list, yet when it was debunked and completely discredited by numerous historians as “a work of fiction not even worthy of historical fiction,” no one heard a peep from the media.

Formerly, Adolf Hitler and his men of the Third Reich were considered the paradigm of discipline and cleanliness—a society who wanted lead the rest of the world through their own example of wholesomeness and purity using holistic medicine, mindful fitness, and mostly plant-based diets as the entrance into a life of optimal health and therefore, invoking within oneself an identity that is one with God. To care for one’s body with reverence towards the notion that it is a part of God and therefore should be treated as such. If one scrutinizes the speeches and text produced by Hitler, it is easy to see that he was fond of paraphrasing Babylonian and Hebrew religious tractates, many of which dictate the laws of cleanliness and purity, one of which had been made into a concise, memorable, and spiritual aphorism for Christians first by Sir Francis Bacon in 1609 and later by John Wesley in 1791.¹ The adage “Cleanliness is next to Godliness,” was one that epitomized Hitler and Life in the Third Reich.

Despite the fact that mainstream (a.k.a. falsified) history likens Hitler and his devout citizens to an image of a homicidal maniac leading a zombified nation, this “homicidal maniac” and his “zombified nation,” continued to be portrayed as a leader and a people who were so fastidious in every facet of life. The image that is usually invoked is that of a meticulous-looking, clean-cut German who strives to reach his maximum potential in stature and health, accoutered with perfectly pressed clothes and polished boots. Even long after WWII, we still resort to over-generalizing Germans as possessing these same traits. But now, Hitler evokes an image of an out-of-control drug-addicted mess of a degenerate, and the German people as population who was physical and psychological unable to maintain any form of self-control or restraint.

The discipline and majesty of an entire nation was completely erased based on the erroneous account of one man, who himself had no self-control regarding his make-pretend stories…starting with the one in which he makes a wild self-declaration as a “historian,” and proceeds to pollute the minds of avid readers of WW2 history with his own addiction—that of using literature in order to describe imaginary events…but this time publishing it under the guise of “non-fiction.”

Normen Ohler is the name of the non-historian who claims, “I had an intimate knowledge of that mustachioed monster that no one else possessed,” which he received…how? He claims to have been privy to Hitler’s medical records, and that the opportunity for “taking a swing at Hitler” was suddenly realized while sitting in a cab in Paris. Suddenly, Ohler started penning his next book, in which he made up outrageous claims without any proof other than mysterious sources he claims only he was allowed to see, mostly that the “so-called Fuhrer took hard drugs, especially opiates, and was not quite the teetoaller that Nazi propaganda like to portray.”

He goes on to pen other tall tales that his imagination concocts, such as that, “Hitler was not even a vegetarian—he mainlined pigs’ liver extracts and swallowed capsules filled with bulls’ testicles. These are simple facts, and I dutifully wrote them down.” Yes, Ohler dutifully wrote down the simple “facts” as they streamed directly from his imagination. Der totatle Rasuch: Drogen im Dritten Reich (The Total Rush: Drugs in the Third Reich), the novel being promoted as “a serious piece of scholarship, which will change the way History is seen,” Ohler touts himself suddenly now as a “historian,” who has uncovered some shocking evidence—more “facts” regarding Hitler’s drug addiction, but this time, he somehow sneaks a new image of Hitler as a Heroin addict into the world of Academic History. As though that is not laughable in and of its own—in trying to utilize our imaginations to the best of our abilities to somehow visualize a heroin addict endeavoring to do anything past the limits of just standing up straight for a duration longer than a few minutes without stumbling over and soiling themselves (in a best-case scenario), much less command a world superpower, deliver speeches on a semi-regular basis, and hold the power to so strongly influence and direct his people’s behavior and the course of their actions, Ohler claims that he was also “ceaselessly” fed a combination of animal steroids.

Regarding the heroin claims, Ohler says that after extensively rummaging through and digging deep into the pile of personal notes that were a mysterious man by the name of “Theodore Morrell,” who was supposedly Hitler’s secret drug provider, he discovered an error in spelling and/or translation! Apparently, Ohler is the first person ever since 1945 to notice that Enkodal, a legitimate medical treatment (granted Hitler was on any sort of allopathic medicine) was actually Eukodal—a precursor and relative of Heroin. He also somehow claims that Hitler was so high on heroin that he stopped listening to his generals, and gave vague descriptions of (obviously) made-up scenarios, in which Hitler’s generals would tell him, “Herr Hitler, we need to do this…we need to do that…” and Hitler, while simultaneously ragin’ on ‘roids and chasing the dragon, would say, “NEIN!” How do we know this? Was Ohler there? Well, unless he is a time-traveling antifa activist, then the chances surmount all odds with a resounding, “NEIN.”

As far as the “ceaseless” animal steroid injections, there doesn’t seem to be much physical evidence supporting this claim either. It is common knowledge that any steroid disrupts the normal functioning of hormones in the body, even with standard doses. Hitler’s “ceaseless” cravings of steroids would be considered steroid abuse, in which the side effects would no doubt produce serious secondary, adverse consequences in addition to changing his physical build. I understand that the common populace is quite unobservant (which is why we are currently in the cultural predicament we are in as a society in which degeneracy flourishes), but I would like to think that even if people didn’t notice the repulsive side effects of a leader on heroin, that they would at the very least notice the unpleasant effects to the appearance of someone abusing steroids, that is to say cystic acne, skin saturated with sebaceous oil, balding, irreversible gynæcomastia (the development of breast tissue in a male), and sudden, massive weight gain. Suffice it to say, none of these symptoms were seen in Hitler, as is evidenced by simply viewing any of his speeches that had been cinematographed up until the very last months.

History , Pervitin , Doping History , Nazi , Addiction , National Socialism , Hitler , Fuhrer , Black Sun , Occult , WWII , Drugs , Eva Braun , Blondi , Steroids , High , Crystal Meth , Pill , Pain , Opiate
September 1938, Nuremburg, Germany. Adolf Hitler – clearly on mind altering substances – accompanied by other Nazi party officials, walks down a staircase at the 1938 Annual Reich Party Congress. [colorized]

Now, I’d like to make a case against allegations of Pervitin abuse, which supposedly was handed out to the Wehrmacht like candy falling from a piñata. According to records somehow made available to Ohler (even though, interestingly enough, all links leading to any documents seem to mysteriously have been 404’d), Hitler made sure that the “Nazis” were kept high and alert by an unlimited doses of Pervitin, which is basically crystal meth in pill form, so that they could fight longer, feel less pain, and never feel hungry…and of course, let’s not forget to mention that this would also guarantee an impairment of their judgment and endanger any German advancements or victories—surely a goal of any power-hungry, evil dictator hellbent on World Domination (**sarcasm**).

Thanks to Ohler’s novel that snuck through as History/Non-Fiction, it is now widely accepted as “fact” that between 1939 and 1945, more than 200 million pills of Pervitin were dispensed freely to the Wehrmacht², although, according to actual historians, such as Stephen Snelders at Utrecht University in The Netherlands, there are zero records that indicate any quantitative analysis on the consumption of methamphetamines (such as Pervitin) in the Third Reich.³ Although many militaries have indeed been accused of pumping their soldiers up with methamphetamines such as speed, starting with the Royal British Air Force and leading up to present day with powerhouses such as the United States, they are isolated cases of singular soldiers acquiring and abusing the substance illegally. This is quite different from a scenario of an entire military being doped up while in combat, all at the expense of the country’s budget, not to mention its safety and security. The suggestion that the “Nazi” War Machine was fueled by drugs is a gross lie invented by not just Ohler, but numerous (((writers))) and (((researchers))) who are dead-set determined on squeezing every last dime from a gullible people who are ready to devour the latest or trendiest-to-date suppositions about the “Nazis,” no matter how outrageous or no matter how many fantastical elements the unsubstantiated stories and accounts contain.

In his speeches, Hitler challenged his people to love their neighbors, to care for the poor and sick, to take a stand against violence, especially against women, and he most notably made every attempt to reduce alcohol and tobacco consumption. He even went so far in his wage against drugs that (((allopathic medicine))) and its spouse, the (((pharmaceutical companies))), were almost entirely replaced by Holistic medicine (mostly Herbalism and Homeopathy) by 1941 in his attempt to ensure that health was at its finest and that a sense of awareness—the ability to perceive, directly know, and be completely cognizant and fully conscience—was at its most advantageous quality. More than this, Hitler wanted to ensure that his nation was fully armed with SELF-awareness, which would lead them to an immense capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize themselves as individuals who are separate from the illusion that (((they))) employ as a yet another layer to shield the Light that emanates from God Himself.

Making baseless accusations that Hitler drugged himself, his military, and his people serves only as yet another way to put back to sleep a people who are finally beginning to Awaken to the Truth now 70 years after the fact. It is merely another desperate measure to seal up any leaks in the brick wall with which (((they))) have encased all Truths, in this case the genuine decency, self-control, and conscientiousness that defined Hitler and the Third Reich. To resort to drugs in order to numb or desensitize oneself against the (((reality))) we face in front of us is to deny ourselves the privilege of making a change, and instead contenting oneself with being a nameless, faceless spectator of events as they unfold (think NPC), and maybe at best internally hoping or wishing things could change.

Hitler prayed to be blessed by the Almighty with an army of men and women against time…men and women who don’t idle in despair or unresponsiveness, nor do they sit idly and hope or wish for change. No, they see the indestructibleness of something as destructive as time, and they shake off their passivity so to make a move and revolutionize the World.

Hitler only hoped that each new day, more people would make a race against time, perhaps even be the Chosen Ones who rise above it, and ultimately remember the reason that they are here: to change the world by taking a bold stand against corruption, shamelessness, and degeneracy—a threefold, decayed seed which (((they))) have deeply planted into the decomposing ground that has become our society.

Hitler knew that this is a heavy task which shall only be accomplished by exercising self-discipline and a tenacious work ethic, and by applying excellence in virtue and daily reverence towards the connection between God and Oneself. But he also knew that by defending the Beauty that is left in God’s Creation, that God will grace us with the resources that come in the partnership of personal talent and collective resolves to eventually triumph together, no matter how long it takes. Short-lived pleasures, avarice, unaccountability, ignorance, and self-leniency must be replaced by fortifying a depth of character that can only be achieved through thoroughness in purposefully carrying out all beneficent objectives as set by our God-Selves. After all, empires aren’t built on foundations of vices and mindless self-indulgences.

Is Cleanliness Next to Godliness:
Intimate Knowledge:

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