The Unseen Language of God

Unseen Language of God , Auschfitz , History , National , Socialism , National Socialism , Nazi , Adolf, Hitler , Fuhrer , Hermann , Göring , Josef , Goebbels , Occult , Black Sun , Swastika , Jews , Holocaust , Revisionism , 1945 , WWII , Talmud , Vedic , Blondi , Eva Braun , Wewelsburg , God , Aryan , Aryanism , Proud , Education , Reich , Third Reich , Switzerland , Germany , England , Churchill , Rothschild , Balfour Declaration , Israel , Erev Rav , Pharaohs , Egypt , Palestine , Holocauster , Auschwitz , Death Camps , Concentration Camps , Circumcision , Evil , Good , Disney , Hollywood , Wehrmacht , Arbeit Macht Frei , 6million , 6000000 , Rabbi , Brit Milah , Bris , Mathematics , Communism , Communist , Socialist , Socialism , Chinesse , Coronavirus , Fake News , Media , Lying

It is popular for mainstream history to correlate the myth that by 1933, the “Nazi” political system, mostly the Department of Public Enlightenment, took complete control over the educational curriculum in order to infiltrate the malleable minds of the youth as young as possible so to feed them their daily doses of race and political propaganda, or in other words, lessons on how to better hate people who were not like them (“Aryan”). This supposedly was accomplished by implementing expansion series of courses in “Race” Biology, German Culture, revised editions of Geopolitics and German History, and a rigorous Physical Education regiment. There is some truth in the final item, as a moderate pace and level of Physical Education became compulsory to ensure graduating to the next grade in school, but the reasons for this are quite different than most have been led to believe. The motivation behind it is stemmed by a medical outlook that invigorating daily Physical Exercise in the form of calisthenics and/or occasional healthy competition was viewed by the Health Ministry as vital to a child’s learning aptitude, thereby concluding that physical fitness at a young age can correspond with mental fitness. Additionally, the beneficial impact to the growing bodily systems of a child cannot be denied, and are not isolated to “Nazi” so-called propaganda for a “super-race.” Aside from the importance of Physical Fitness the “Nazis” wanted the core curriculum of elementary education to highlight, the fanatical endorsement of the courses prior to mentioning that are completely embellished, if not entirely false. What the Third Reich was trying to accomplish was connective purity of mind, body, and Spirit in everyone. The way in which they believed they could achieve this was by giving Mathematics an enormity of focus in early education, both for boys and girls.

The justification the Third Reich gave for the importance of forging a relationship between children and Mathematics is to solidify a relationship with God—to make a reassurance that God could never be removed from the Third Reich, the way He is removed and hidden in Communism and leftist societies. The relevance between God and knowledge of numbers and their systems is based off an intrinsic belief that everything in the Universe is Mathematical, and that even the existence of God can be proven through Mathematics. The following will serve as an attempt to summarize, and hopefully elucidate, this profound conviction.

God is the all-Knowing. He knows everything that ever was, is, and ever shall be. Within Mathematics lies the possibility to predict anything and everything with the utmost precision and accuracy (i.e. Mathematical models are formulated to predict future events and to re-construct History for a better understanding of the past).

Mathematics knows everything…

Mathematics made everything…

Mathematics is everything…

…Just like God.

Therefore, God is Mathematics…and Mathematics is God.

Everything in the Universe can be simplified or extrapolated through Math. Any perceived contradiction or chaos in the Universe—in Nature, in Science, in Health, in Physics, in Chemistry, in Love, in Writing, in Music, in Psychology, in Behavior, in everything—is given structure and even a sense of formality by reducing all into Mathematics.

It is impossible to look into the forest and not see Mathematical equations existing every single inch of the forest visible to both external senses and our internal senses, which manifest into and equate to our external reality and our internal reality. Numbers are simultaneously the most quintessential as well as the most basic properties of our existence…of all existence.

For example, the External Reality Hypothesis. It posits that there is an external physical reality aside from and completely independent from the Reality that we are part of…completely free and self-sufficient, providing its own subsistence…pretty much a Reality that is impacted negligibly at best by our Human existence. The best way to describe it is that it’s a parallel yet overlapping Reality that exists without the “baggage” of Humans. It has zero care or consideration for Human concepts. It is the Universal Reality, theorizing that there is more Life further out and other dimensions besides our own that has One Single Universal Reality existing around it and staying consistent at all times. If you can try to conceptualize it all, existence in its purest essence and in its complete reduction is merely a Mathematical Structure. The complexity and intricacy of an “Existence Equation” may sound intimidating—far too much for our logic and linear thinking to comprehend! However, while the simplicity of this equation may not be comparable to the ease of reducing an Algebraic equation, it may not be as complex as a dynamical system or differential equation either. By softening our focus in this (((reality))) and by looking between the layers amid the sphere of thought of Abstract Math and Quantum Mechanics, we may discover the number sequence that helps us crack the code—or at least lift the amnesia that renders us incapable of remembering our Source and our Divine Mission, after which we will cease to be drifters living by arbitrary means and norms. Instead, we will be rewarded with fulfillment and self-replenishing happiness towards ourselves and all using a definitive purpose that has the power to dissolve this (((superficial existence)))fabricated by the Erev Rav, henceforth reclaiming it as OUR Realm…where Peace and Harmony ring resplendently from all four corners of the Earth.

We’re all just theoretically existing objects ourselves…abstract and metaphysical…with rudimentary relations between us that try to seal this (((reality))) as concrete. Yet, we, as physical beings in this (((reality))), are still purely notional. If the Universal Reality ever did care to busy itself about anything, it would probably be that it would want us to eradicate, or at least tame our human thoughts that conceptualize us as physical.


…Because we’re not.

We are Pure Energy. And everything that “exists” in our “physical” world is only what we denote them to be. To expound: 1+1 doesn’t equal 2; we invented that. 1 -1 doesn’t = 0; we invented that. These numbers always existed, and they always will exist…because numbers and equations and geometry are part of the Universal Reality. And they’ve always been there and we Humans just only discovered them, and invented ways to try to understand them through integers. Who decided that 1 + 1 = 2? It’s a mindtrap that serves many things, but mostly to deceive us. Because surely, two 1’s equals “WHOLE” … “COMPLETION.” In other words, two 1’s equal “ONE WHOLE.” Could you not add one singular 1 to another singular on 1, and unite them to make 1 “one?” Can they not be combined in order to create another singular unit of greater POWER…not necessarily to mate mathematically and produce a greater numerical value? Nevertheless, we did get it right in that:

1 – 1 = 0


1 – 1 = Nothing.

The above equals nothing; it just is. One can take away everything, and there is nothing; but if you add two 1’s together, you have everything. You could even go so far as to say that 1 + 1 + 1 = 1… depending on what is representing each singular 1 behind what we falsely define as “matter” in this fabricated, constructed (((reality))), seen the same way by all Life on Earth, except for humans. We humans are the only ones whose brains have been conditioned to trick our minds into seeing what (((they))) want us to see, which is whatever temporarily satiates (((their))) appetite  of instant self-gratification, depraved indulgences, and the contractual votive offerings to Baphomet agreed upon Æons ago when the Erev Rav first mixed into the multitude of righteous, God-dedicated Jews.

How much of what we see is actually the not even remotely understood, mostly unknown percentage of our brains that (((they))) permit us to use tricking our minds into filling in the gaps with wallpaper. The best illustration of this could be likened to visualizing “Photoshopping” the (((reality))) so that we remain fully unaware of what’s really out there? … So that the Divine Powers to Create Beauty remain untapped? …So that the Heavenly Beauty that is out there and literally right before us and all around us remains unseen and therefore unappreciated? So that the revelations that the Holy Books, whether it be the Tanakh, New Testament, The Zohar, or the Vedas, try to relay to us through code…through more numbers…are blocked?

Nevertheless, to return to the point of this all, it is that Numbers just are … And always will be. Regardless of the notation we assign to them.

…Just like our Souls.

…Just like God.

Numbers are whatever they want to be, floating around as and amongst the vibrations and frequencies that make up all that is Real, as well as what makes up the (((illusion))) that our eyes have been conditioned to see as solid matter. Numbers are the language of the Unseen. They are the Language of what’s In Between.

…Numbers are the Language of God…

The perfect relationship and the beauty between numbers exists regardless of the way we humans invented to denote them and describe them and write them out for our permitted tenth-ish of a brain to assess. We are irrelevant to Mathematics. Yet Mathematics is relevant to us. Mathematics is our entire existence. Therefore, because of Mathematics, we have the Metaphysical explanation of all Realms and Realities, in that nothing can be something, because everything can be nothing.
This is best described by this axiom:


= 0.999999999……………………

We are both the beginning and the end at the same time. We are the Alpha and The Omega. We embody everything and nothing all at once. We are Light and Dark in perfect balance: “Light Energy” which we can see and perceive with the senses (the “Something”), and “Dark Energy,” which we can neither see nor grasp the true Reality of (the “Nothing”)…the latter which is the “something” that is “nothing.” Yet here, we know that Dark Energy, despite not being analytic, is just as unremovable of a part of Reality and just as essential as Light Energy. And it all begs us to question the Nature of this (((reality))), and to have Faith in the existence of the Multiverses within the Universe that holds the True Reality, which will all eventually be Seen only when Consciousness rises and we can finally begin to understand how it is that we are pure, vibrating Energy from the Infinite Realm, embodying the Creative power and unlimited sapience of God…and that there’s one big Mathematical structure living both inside us and around us, everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

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