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Auschfitz , History , National , Socialism , National Socialism , Nazi , Adolf, Hitler , Fuhrer , Hermann , Göring , Josef , Goebbels , Occult , Black Sun , Swastika , Jews , Holocaust , Revisionism , 1945 , WWII , Talmud , Vedic , Blondi , Eva Braun , Wewelsburg , God , Aryan , Aryanism , Proud , Education , Reich , Third Reich , Switzerland , Germany , England , Churchill , Rothschild , Balfour Declaration , Israel , Erev Rav , Pharaohs , Egypt , Palestine , Holocauster , Auschwitz , Death Camps , Concentration Camps , Circumcision , Evil , Good , Disney , Hollywood , Wehrmacht , Arbeit Macht Frei , 6million , 6000000 , Rabbi , Brit Milah , Bris , Mathematics , Communism , Communist , Socialist , Socialism , Chinesse , Coronavirus , Fake News , Media , Lying , Pervitin , Drugs , Himmler
[Above: Auschfitz co-founder’s late Father (photographed at age 6) peering over a fence to catch a better view of his heroes parading by—men who were bravely fighting to save the world from the impending modern-day degeneracy that now seeks to re-define us by infecting every facet of our lives.]
With the absurd levels of pathetic desperation regarding the censorship of any re-examinations or questionings of the “Holocaust” and Adolph Hitler, it goes without say that (((they))) are trying too hard to shield the world from what (((they))) have made into a off-road freak show of illusions, solely for the sake of financial gains and of a continuity of validating (((their))) own insidious ways.

We are here to make sure that this mental poisoning does not leech its way into yet another generation. It’s been 75 long, hard years since the end of World War II…and without the man who was Chosen by God Himself to save the world from what we know of it now—a world past its saturation point in dissoluteness and degeneracy. Today’s population is at the mercy of the deranged minds of a group so depraved, that it’s not an impossibility to fathom that (((they))) are not of this World. These are (((the ones))) that one man tried to save us from. (((The ones))) who have raped the minds of our children. (((The ones))) who have inseminated into our mental wombs the normalization of abominations such as pornography, sexual promiscuity, satanism, devil-worship, celebrity worship, musical dissonance, complacency with mental illness, recreational drug use, and post-partum “abortions.”

(((They))) have demolished the age-old solidly-built nuclear family consisting of a husband, a wife, and their dependent children to whom they devote their entire existences, and have “modernized” it into something that, metaphorically speaking, most closely resembles the substructure of a crumbling government-subsidized housing project. Thus, the goal of instilling into the minds of the people the false ideal that, children can raise themselves and do not require the authoritativeness and dependability from a hard-working father figure and warm insightfulness and the unconditional yet tough love of a full-time mother, has been achieved. (((They))) have obscured the biological line between genders. (((They))) have over-stimulated and desensitized our youth with gaming and perverted television programs, the former an addiction, if left unaddressed, lasts through adulthood and can severely blanch the most vital years of someone’s intellectual development and opportunities for existential discovery in the real world. Yet, God forbid we waste any of (((their))) time in establishing this agenda. Hardly a moment was spared after the War in encouraging us to “expand our minds” with the help of the normalization of a counter-culture that was the noxious “hippie” era of the 1960’s, which never actually ended, but rather merely mutated into the entity that has consumed not just our Purity and Wholesomeness, but also of the Earth’s. It has been stated that the state of the environment and the world at large is a mirror image of the state of ourselves collectively, which is, to say, whatever the current condition of the Collective Conscience of humankind will be made manifest in the environment. Only a corroded mind, such as that of a nihilist, wouldn’t be convinced that this depreciation of all life is a direct result from the disrespect we show ourselves, simply in the sense that we deny ourselves the pleasure of Knowing God. You see, the first initiative of (((communism))) is to commit to and unreservedly promote Atheism. Accordingly, (((they))) instate as one of the first initiatives the removal of the presence of God from people’s lives, thereby eventually removing our own traces of divinity that serve as daily reminders that we are reflections of God and that we create our own Realities. (((They))) only want that we have faith in (((them))) and this reality that (((they))) have fabricated
for us. (((They))) do not want us to author our own individual realities, for the erasure of individualism is another one of (((their))) goals…and do not be duped by the deceptive tactic (((they))) employ in pretending as though “individual differences” and “diversity” is the ultimate goal; these only serve as a distraction towards (((their))) final agenda of causing us to be so defective and burnt out mentally that we can no longer think for ourselves and thusly suicide our Souls into a cesspool of compliance towards an uncontrollable desire to maim not only ourselves, but each other, as well as the true treasures that we each carry as singular gifts of God.

One man foresaw this. One man was bestowed with the responsibility from God to save the world and restore order in this Realm. Alas, what has materialized in the wake of his physical murder, as well as the murder of his legacy, is exactly what he strived so hard to prevent. That is where We come in. We are Auschfitz: Two Jewish Gypsies¹ who have accepted the honor of salvaging what was the 3rd Reich by sharing the Knowledge bequeathed to us by our Families who lived during the 3rd Reich…and lived very well. Allow us to shed light on the Truth of the Man whose visions of the World were those of Purity and Wholesomeness…a Man who sacrificed Himself towards preserving and propagating all that is Natural for future generations…a Man whose Hope for protecting the Innocence of children and the purity of the World was renewed daily by His steadfast desire to re-build Eden and to dematerialize the (((smokescreen))) that protects all the demonic, intentional unTruths from being unveiled—the biggest unTruth being that Heaven cannot be found on Earth. With a mix of assiduous research, family history, and an overdose of humility in the form of good humor, join us in bringing Heaven to Earth by means of resurrecting Adolf Hitler’s vision in the Viertes (4th) Reich.

¹ yes, we are well aware that “Gypsy” is considered derogatory, and that “Roma” or “Romani” is the proper term. However, if only you, dear reader, knew the tiresome task of tending to the blank look in people’s eyes upon referring to yourself as “Romani,” and having to finally resort to the term “Gypsy” time and time again throughout your entire life! It’s not like we’re “offended” by word anyway. You shouldn’t be offended either. After all, falling into the habit of “being offended” is part of succumbing to (((their))) agenda.
Auschfitz , History , National , Socialism , National Socialism , Nazi , Adolf, Hitler , Fuhrer , Hermann , Göring , Josef , Goebbels , Occult , Black Sun , Swastika , Jews , Holocaust , Revisionism , 1945 , WWII , Talmud , Vedic , Blondi , Eva Braun , Wewelsburg , God , Aryan , Aryanism , Proud , Education , Reich , Third Reich , Switzerland , Germany , England , Churchill , Rothschild , Balfour Declaration , Israel , Erev Rav , Pharaohs , Egypt , Palestine , Holocauster , Auschwitz , Death Camps , Concentration Camps , Circumcision , Evil , Good , Disney , Hollywood , Wehrmacht , Arbeit Macht Frei , 6million , 6000000 , Rabbi , Brit Milah , Bris , Mathematics , Communism , Communist , Socialist , Socialism , Chinesse , Coronavirus , Fake News , Media , Lying , Pervitin , Drugs , Himmler
[Above: Auschwitz co-founder’s late Father (photographed at age 4), proudly donning the traditional clothing of his new Home—the Fatherland.]

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